Gleichen Thank You Dinner - June 24, 2012
On the afternoon of Sunday June 24th , The Gleichen Community Centre invited about 60 guests to thank them for their continuous support over the past five years. These people have supported us by coming to our events, by giving us their volunteer time in many ways and also by providing us with monetary gifts as both Betty and Dick have. Betty's donation, and that of the other guests attending that dinner, will pay for a ramp , steps and handrails out of the north and south doors of the centre. Dick helped us with a monetary donation that helped to buy a new commercial stove for the kitchen and renovate it also with new cupboards and a large pantry.
Also, a big thank you was given to all the community members who had saved a local store s stickers so that our organization could trade them in and then get mugs and bowls. As a result of this program 102 new mugs were collected and three new bowls. Everyone who came had a great visit with their friends and enjoyed the large banquet of roast pork, ham and turkey, plus all the extras provided for them by the hall board. As has now become our trade mark, the crowd was treated to lots of great tasting homemade desserts. The youth group from the Gleichen Community Church did all the setting up and clean up of the event.
- Doris Lindman
Alberta Order of Excellence Interview
Haskayne School of Business - June 2012
Transcript of Dick Haskayne's Honorary Degree Recipient speech to Graduates at SAIT on Friday, May 27, 2011
Northern Tigers: Building Ethical Canadian Corporate Champions honoured with international book award
Jenkins Group Inc. recently announced the final results of the first annual, 2008 Axiom Business Book Awards, designed to honour the best business books of the year, along with their authors and publishers. Northern Tigers: Building Ethical Canadian Corporate Champions by Dick Haskayne and Paul Grescoe won the bronze medal in the Memoir/Biography category. More... |
Northern Tigers: Building Ethical Canadian Corporate Champions by Dick Haskayne and Paul Grescoe has been published by Key Porter Books. Information is available from the publisher.
Memoir of a Tiger: Community leader Dick Haskayne
chronicles his career in new book
Foresight and guts—that’s what it takes to be a tiger. A “northern tiger” as Calgary business mogul Dick Haskayne would put it. His book, Northern Tigers: Building Ethical Canadian Corporate Champions, was officially launched at the University of Calgary on May 3, 2007, and in Toronto on May 8, 2007. More... |
Dick and Lois Haskayne are Co-Chairs of the "It's About Time" Capital Campaign for Heritage Park. |
Dick and Lois Haskayne have donated 37 hectares
of riverbank land near Bearspaw for a new city park. The land, along
with 219 acres purchased from the University of Calgary and originally
donated by the Haskayne's to the University of Calgary in 2002,
will be known as Haskayne Park. Read the press
Mr. Haskayne was invested into the Alberta Order
of Excellence. Read the press
Mr. Haskayne delivered a keynote address to the Annual Dean’s
Reception for the Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
in Edmonton April 6, 2005 entitled “Business Ethics".
Read the "Seven Benchmarks for Success" here. |